



微 信: wxyunyingzhe

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更新时间:2025-01-07 08:15:51

Abstract: In today's Hainan Island, the construction of international tourism in full swing, CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to the southernmost piece of land in the motherland and in this land has been tradition for thousands of years people in Hainan. 海南岛自古以来一直是我国的边疆地区,在种种自然及社会条件的制约下,发展外向型经济成为海南岛的发展方向。 Hainan Island has long been China's border areas, in all kinds of natural and social conditions of the constraints, the development of export-oriented economy has become the development direction of Hainan Island. 自西汉并入祖国版图开始,直到今天,海南岛的经济发展主要依赖进出口贸易,因此对海南进出口贸易的研究是必要的,也是可能的。 Incorporated into the territory of the motherland since the Western Han Dynasty began, until today, Hainan's economic development is mainly dependent on import and export trade, import and export trade, and therefore Hainan research is necessary and possible.

在漫长的历史中,本人认为民国时期的海南最具特殊性。 In the long history, I think the most special nature of the Republican period of Hainan. 民国时期的海南岛和祖国其他各地一样都处于社会的急剧变化中,其政治、经济、文化、社会生活等各个方面都面临着“几千年来未有之变局”。 Republic of China Hainan Island and the motherland, like elsewhere in the rapid social changes, its political, economic, cultural, social and other aspects of life are faced with "a few thousand years, not the changing situation." 在这样的社会背景下,海南岛对民国时期海南对外贸易研究外进出口贸易又如何呢? In this social context, Hainan Island, Hainan's foreign trade of the Republic of China import and export trade to studies then? 这支撑着海南经济发展的支柱产业,在这的大变局里又有怎样的变化呢? Hainan's economic development Zhezhi insisted on the pillar industries in this big change in the situation where another kind of change? 更进一步来说,在民国动荡的三十几年时间中,我们能否从海南岛对外贸易这一点切入,再进一步探讨这一时期海南经济发展的新变化呢? Going a step further, in the turbulent 30 years of Republican time, can we cut into this trade from Hainan Island, and then to further explore the development of Hainan's economy during this period a new change? 本人认为这非常有研究考察价值。 I think this is the value of a study visit.

关键词:民国时期海南岛海南经济进出口贸易 Keywords: Republic of China Hainan Island, Hainan's economic import and export trade



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